NWW Virtual Open House- June 17

The 2020-21 hockey season had unprecedented challenges and our NWW community of dedicated volunteers ensured our players and families were able to maximize the opportunities that were available.  As we look toward the 2021-22 season, we are once again looking to recruit volunteers to support our children’s hockey in the fast-approaching season.   In short – we need you!

Volunteers drive the success of our kid’s hockey program. Beyond the support needed on each team there is a tremendous volunteer effort required prior to team formation. Commencing with the close of player registration in mid-August up to the formation of teams in September our behind-the-scenes volunteers are building the program that makes for a better hockey experience for everyone. The NWW Executive embrace the adage “many hands make light work”. Equally important is that all members feel welcome to contribute in whatever manner they are able, so please get involved!

The NWW will be hosting a virtual Open House on Thursday, June 17, 2021 at 7pm.

The Open House will initiate the annual Volunteer Recruitment Program.  We will provide an overview of the various roles and we encourage you to ask questions and ultimately submit an application for roles you are interested in.

We invite you to submit your questions in advance to admin@NWWarriorshockey.com and rest assured there will also be a Q and A at the end of the Open House.

Due to Zoom Meeting limitations, we can only accommodate 75 participants. If you will be attending please email admin@NWWarriorshockey.com to receive your Zoom meeting link. Following the Open House we will circulate the presentation and Zoom meeting recording to all NWW families.

All the best to you and your families. Hope to see you on June 17th.



Janis Rogers,               Brian Sartison,            Mike McLeod,             Bernie DeGroot

Chair                              Vice-Chair                    Vice-Chair                    Past-Chair