NWW AGM June 8!

Northwest Warriors Hockey Association

Annual General Meeting

Thursday, June 8, 2022

Collingwood Hall @ Triwood Community Center

7:00 pm


Join our AGM and be entered in the draw to win 1 of 2 $500 rebates on 23/24 registration fees!

Meeting agenda:

  • Scrutineer’s Confirmation of Quorum
  • President’s Report: Recap of the key events undertaken by the board in the 2022/23 season
  • Treasurer’s Report: Presentation of Financial Report
  • Directors for Election: Introductions
  • Question Period
  • Voting Period: to Approve Directors and Auditor

Who is eligible to vote?  Any member; defined as every Parent who has paid all fee obligations with registration to play hockey with the NWW Society, and members admitted by the board, including the Principal Community Association representatives.  Each member gets one vote.

All voting members must check in with the meeting registrar, who will confirm membership and the establishment of quorum.  Quorum at a general meeting shall be at least 20 Members.  Resolutions proposed at the AGM will be passed by a majority (50%+1) of voting members in attendance.

Meeting materials available at https://www.nwwarriorshockey.com/operations/


You MUST REGISTER to vote!

Please help us to prepare by registering in advance or assigning your proxy by completing this form:



Followed by NWW Volunteer Appreciation Event

The Northwest Warriors board invites all volunteers to remain with us following the completion of AGM business.  Our hockey program could not happen without the countless hours of volunteer effort, and we want to show our appreciation.  This will be a great opportunity to spend time with other NWW families that support our community hockey program.  We hope you can join us for some drinks and socializing.

There are numerous planning and preparation activities that take place during the summer months.  If you are interested in learning more, please visit our volunteers page.