Northwest Warriors Coach Development

We have multiple coach development opportunities coming up in the next few weeks!  We will be running three instructional stream courses that will all feature a classroom session (followed by a coach social) during the week, and a practical on-ice session the following Sunday morning.
All coaches that complete the classroom and on-ice will receive credit on their Hockey Canada profile as well.  Coaches that register will also be able to bring their child to the on-ice development session on Sunday (NWW player development program sessions).
Registration (and beverages and snacks) are FREE and coaches will be able to select the most convenient or appropriate on-ice session on Sunday that will be led by our lead instructors that week:
7:30am- U7/U9
8:45am- U11/U13
10:00am- U13 and older
11:15am- U11 and older
After registering for the course- please email me at to select your ice time (maximum 9 coaches per ice time).
Shooting and Scoring– led by Marcus Cheng (Head Coach of CNHA U18AAA Northstars)
Classroom: Wednesday, January 24, 8-10pm at West Hillhurst board room (followed by Coach’s Social at the Nest)
On-Ice: Sunday, January 28- West Hillhurst Arena (please email me to confirm time)

Developing Defensemen– led by Marc Brebber and Matt Hunter

Classroom: Friday, February 2, 7-9pm at JTs Clubhouse (Triwood Community Centre), followed by Coach’s Social

On-Ice: Sunday, February 4- West Hillhurst Arena (please email me to confirm time)

Register HERE:


Small Area Games– led by Matt Hunter

Classroom: Thursday, February 8 at JTs Clubhouse (Triwood Community Centre), followed by Coach’s Social

On-Ice: Sunday, February 11- West Hillhurst Arena (please email me to confirm time)

Register HERE –


Hockey Calgary- Coach Night Series

Happy to announce that Hockey Calgary has two Coach Night Series coming up here in February! The link to sign up for either coach night is here: Hockey Calgary Coach Night Series – Hockey Calgary

February 5: 7:00-8:15pm @ Score Hockey Range – Between the Pipes with Thoedore Zubot, Goaltending Coach for the Calgary Hitmen!
February 12: 6:45-8:00pm @ Cardel Rec South – Women’s Coach Night with Stacy Allen from Stacy Allen Power Skating. Note, join the coaches upstairs at The Bench after the ice time for a quick social where you can grab a beverage and talk with other female coaches around the city of Calgary!