Community Specific Registration

http://calgarynorthstars.ca and http://nwcaa.ca
(please refer to the Hockey Calgary website to find out which one you would register with – Hockey Calgary Elite Boundary Map

In order to register for Quadrant Tryouts they must have your Hockey Canada file.  Please contact the NWCAA or CNHA registrar to have them request your file.

About Program

Players trying out for quadrant hockey (U13, U15, U16, or U18) must register directly with the Northwest Calgary Athletic Association https://nwcaa.ca/ or Calgary Northstars Hockey Association Calgary Northstars Hockey Association depending on your home address (please refer to the boundary map above to confirm your association).

These players must also register online with Northwest Warriors to secure a spot in community should they return.  A post-dated cheque must be sent to 185 Scenic Acres Dr. NW, Calgary AB, T3L 1L4 (attn: NWW) and be made payable to Northwest Warriors Hockey Association.

All cheques should be dated September 15, 2023 and must be received prior to August 15th in order to hold your spot in NWW evaluations. Cheques should be for the full amount of registration (registration fee+ community user fee (fees can be found below).  It is the player/parent’s responsibility to inform NWW that they have made a quadrant team or if you are being released. Please email admin@nwwarriorshockey.com with this information as soon as you are aware so that we may update our tryout list.  If your child is successful in making quadrant, we will shred the cheque and remove them from our tryout list.